Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013

Happy 2013

It’s 7:20am, and I’m sitting in bed with Mello snoring at my feet, Lola purring beside my head, and Rocky pacing across my torso, mad that he hasn’t been fed yet. So far, this year feels a lot like last year. Doesn’t it always? Even if you are resolution list maker, nothing really changes this first day. Of course, 2013 is slightly different thanks to the U.S. Congressional world. Things did change dramatically for some at the stroke of midnight. For us everyday joe’s, we are waking to the same old same old, albeit some with a sluggish knock in the head.

Personally, I quit making resolutions a long time ago – the last time I signed that exorbitant gym contract that was lost in mid-January. Now, I like to think about what worked in the previous year and what didn’t, things I want to continue doing in the new year. Realistically, if you keep doing the things that work, the things that don’t will automatically drop by the way side. Focus on the positive and the negative has no room.

In 2013, I want to continue learning about myself because that has brought me the biggest rewards. I want to keep growing spiritually and continue this wonderful habit of feeling great in my own skin – whatever that skin happens to look like at any given moment. Getting health and finances in order seems to always top the list, and since I’d already started that in 2012, it’s a keeper.

I plan to keep writing, adding more daily, and since it’s the first thing I’m doing on January 1, 2013, looks like that’s working. A steaming cup of joe with a dribble of eggnog, pen and paper, and it’s all off to a good start.

There are things I’d like to do more of:
  • More leash time for Mello (and me)
    • But since it’s 8 degrees outside, that’s not gonna happen now – reality
  • More smiles
  • More contact with friends
    • Again, since I’m not a phone person, that’ll have to wait as well
  • More new places and people
    • See above

So, you see how the first day of 2013 is no different at all from the last day of 2012. It never really is. It is however, significantly different from the first day of 2012, and that is what is important. The year as a whole, one moment at a time.

As I refill the coffee mug and dribble a bit more eggnog into it, I wish you all a very happy 2013 filled with 525, 949 glorious moments. 

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