about donna kiser

I am inspired by the voices and experiences of people, who in solitude carry the voices and experiences of the world. My narrative gives rise to the unheard voices of the invisible, and hopes to express their emotions by touching hearts in the interest of creating social change with engaging and provocative story. My words are an inquiry into place, memory and meaning. I write to give voice to this Sagittarian woman-child, and I write to help others hear their own voice. I write to remember where we’ve been and to capture the dreams of where we’re going.

Who I Am

The soft warmth of a blue summer sky
The brightness of an amber sunrise
The coolness of a turquoise sunset
I'm the roar and rumble of thunderheads
The crash of the turbulent tides
I have hawk's eyesight and eagle's wisdom
Yet am trapped in mouse's limits
Peonies covered with ants, tall oaks
Dark, brooding forests
And the burble of a drifting stream
All this is who I am

Who am I?
Who are you?

Beneath the gender, beneath the nationality and race
Beneath the height, the weight, the eye and hair color
On the landscape of your soul
The canvas of your spirit
In the reality of your dreams

Who are you?